I've wanted to make a “globe POV” for a while after seeing a totally amazing hi-res one on YouTube a while back. The mechanical side of it (motor drive and power supply) always put me off a bit – while I think I can design a PCB and feel pretty confident it's going to work, motors, gears and bearings are still a matter of kludge and guesswork for me.
I decided to make a 24
LED proof of concept project using the largest size board my free
version of EAGLE would let me work to. I originally intended to use
0805 SMT LEDs mounted on their sides but when I realised what a bitch
they are to solder like that I decided to go with good 'ole 3mm thru
holes of which I have – ahem – about 3,000 blue ones (don't ask).
The electronics was
pretty straightforward – since I have made a few similar things
before (basically this was an Arduino project with a custom designed
PCB) The 24 LEDs are driven by 3 x 74HC595D shift registers through
100 ohm 0805 resistors. I used an Atmega328 in QPF32 package with a
miniature (Nano styley) resonator.
I usually use an FTDI
USB-TTL serial lead for in circuit programming, so I simply added
pads for the the six ICSP connections I needed for burning the
bootloader and temporarily soldered wires to them. In the past I have
routed in a proper 2x3 ICSP header but I don't think I'll bother any
more - after all, burning the bootloader is a one-off procedure and
routing in the header is a pain.
The board is single
sided FR4. After etching and drilling it I tinplated the tracks (I do
this with all my boards now as it makes soldering easier, looks
cooler, doesn't take long, and isn't so expensive). After adding the
wire jumpers to the back I worked in stages to add the components and
test things.
I think its always a
good idea to test at each stage in case you need to junk the board
due to a design problem. First I soldered in the Atmega and the
resonator and burned the bootloader. When that worked I added the
serial programming header, diagnostic LED and resistor and made sure
I could get sketches to run on the Atmega. Only then did I add all
the other components when was confident the brain was alive. I
soldered all the components with an iron, with the exception of the
resonator where I put solder and flux on the pads and used a hot air
tool make the joints.
The rest of it I made
up as I went along, convinced it might go wrong at any moment. I
shaped the board to a disk with a stanley knife, steel rule, pliers
(for snapping) and sandpaper (for smoothing). Then I added in the
slots, top and bottom, to accept a 2mm drive shaft using my new
diamond edge cutting disk on my Proxxon table saw (in retrospect this
blade is fricking awesome and I should have used it to cut out the
circular PCB... you live and learn).
Aligning the 2mm drive
shafts top and bottom was pure guesswork. I both soldered them and
used copious quanitites of cyanoacrylate superglue (with activator
spray) to hold them in place, with the help of a couple of plastic
hub wheels from a model kit supplier.
The drive shafts go
through miniature model bearings in my crudely fashioned frame (made
from MDF I salvaged from an old CD rack, cut with a plain old Bosch
jigsaw) and at the bottom there is a simple reduction gear from a DC
motor to drive it. There is a crude joinery job holding it all
together - I am not proud of it,
What I am more pleased
with was the electrical transfer method I used. In a previous project
“borrowed” (saw it on a Youtube video) the idea of using an axially mounted, graphite-lubricated, 3.5mm jack plug/socket connection to take power to the rotating LED board while also acting as a bearing. This time I used some chunky graphite brushes (intended for drill equipment I think) and drilled a 2.5mm hole in each and passed the 2mm drive shafts through them, then crudely superglued the end of the brush springs to my frame. And it worked! In fact it works rather well and I think I will be using this approach again.
“borrowed” (saw it on a Youtube video) the idea of using an axially mounted, graphite-lubricated, 3.5mm jack plug/socket connection to take power to the rotating LED board while also acting as a bearing. This time I used some chunky graphite brushes (intended for drill equipment I think) and drilled a 2.5mm hole in each and passed the 2mm drive shafts through them, then crudely superglued the end of the brush springs to my frame. And it worked! In fact it works rather well and I think I will be using this approach again.
As I expected, some
balancing was needed. I superglued a couple of nuts to the back of
the board to counterbalance the LEDs on the opposite edge. Its not
perfect but it was a big improvement.
I saved soldering the
Hall Sensor until the board was mounted in the frame, so I could make
sure I cut the legs to the right length. A small Neodymium magnet
triggers the sensor.
In hindsight it might
have been better to somehow mount the magnet on the front of the
frame (opposite the vertical part of the frame, so 180 degrees around
the axis from where it is now). The reason is that when the sensor
passes the magnet, a new drawing cycle starts. So this is the point
where the previous draw cycle might be ended early or overrun
(depending on rounding errors due to the timer resolution and
variations in spin speed). With the position of the magnet in my
design these display “glitches” happen right at the front of the
globe and are quite easy to see – it would be better to hide them
around the back by moving the trigger point through 180 degrees, or
by placing the Hall sensor on the same edge as the LEDs rather than
opposite them.
There is a voltage
regulator on the board and I power the motor and board from a common
supply of about 10 volts. Something that surprised me was that when
plugged the USB lead in to the programming header on the board, the
motor received power and span up. I didn't think the current could
cross the regulator in the opposite direction so it was a bit of a
nasty suprise (and presumably it does the regulator no good either).
A 1N4001 rectifier diode on the +10V supply going to the board brush
solved the problem. I was very glad I found this issue before the
motor was attached to the frame or I could have smashed the board.
When it was all fitted
together I tested it out with a simple set of vertical and horizontal
lines, rendering as a wireframe globe, and it looked great. Next I
wanted to display a pixellated map of the world... to get this done I
found a suitable Mercator projection image on Google images and
resized down to the target 24 x 64 pixels in PaintShop Pro (still my
drawing tool of choice for its easy work with small bitmaps). Quite a
bit of manual tweaking was then needed to get a decent recognisable
monochrome image.
I usually use a
spreadsheet to do this kind of thing (OpenOffice). I wondered how I
might import the mono bitmap image data directly into the
spreadsheet, but as I was in a hurry and the image was small I just
retyped it manually. To help keep track I divided the image into 8x8
squares and highlighted them chessboard fashion in yellow. This meant
I could work one square at a time and it only took 15 minutes or so
to enter the data into the spreadsheet and use formulas to calculate
the bitmap values I needed.
I copy/pasted the
values from the spreadsheet into the Arduino sketch, programmed the
globe and fired it up – and it worked first time! The Pacific
looked a bit empty though, so I went back and added Hawaii.
I put a 32kbit I2C
EEPROM on the board so that I can store a decent set of image data to
make animations possible. I haven't done anything with it yet.
Here is a brief
description of how the code works. Almost all the POV projects I've
made work in this way...
The sketch sets up the
Atmega328's internal timers 1 and 2 to run at the same rate (1/64 of
full clock speed). This means they are counting at a very high rate
(I think it works out as 62500 counts a second).
The sketch uses
“interrupts” – an interrupt is a way for a specific hardware
event (like a pin changing value or an internal timer reaching a
certain threshold) to cause a specific piece of program code (called
a “service routine”) to be run immediately. This means the
program does not need to keep “polling” things like inputs and
timers, which would not be very accurate at these timescales.
Interrupts are really the only way to get the consistent timing
accuracy we need.
We use two interrupts,
one is called when the hall sensor fires and the value on pin 2
(Interrupt 0 pin) changes. The service routine for this interrupt
captures the value of timer 1 and resets the timer. This value is the
number of timer ticks in one complete rotation of the board.
Now we divide this up
to get the number of timer ticks in a single “sector” (vertical
scan column width). Although there are 64 columns in the image, I
actually insert an artificial blank column between every pair of
image columns to cleanly seperate the “pixels” rather than
letting them run together into streaks (it just looks nicer) so I
treat the image like it has 128 columns.
So the timer count is
divided by 128 and the result is put into the timer 2 “period
register”. Now when timer 2 reaches the value of the period
register it is automatically reset and another interrupt fires. The
service routine for this interrupt will therefore get regularly
called 128 times on each revolution – perfect! Now we just need to
load values from the image data into the LEDs. We need to keep a
count of how far round the revolution we are and we can add an
incrementing offset to make the image appear to spin. It is also here
that we turn off all the LEDs on every other call to add the gaps
between the pixels.
The LEDs are loaded by
simple shift register stuff (Check the Arduino tutorials if you don't
know what a shift register is) . Speed is of the essence, so the
three shift registers are loaded in parallel using 3 data lines and
common clock lines. I avoid using digitalWrite() to drive the output
pins on anything like this and go direct to the port registers since
it's an order of magnitude faster!
*** Source code, EAGLE files and image data available at
*** Source code, EAGLE files and image data available at