The Korg SQ-1 is a great little sequencer, and one of my favourite bits of kit for its simple hands-on feel and penchant for lucky randomness (I have 3 of them!)
I tend to use it in a live setup with no computer but with a lot of guitar effect pedals on 9V daisy chain cables. The fact that the SQ-1 can only use batteries or USB power becomes a bit annoying so I decided to hack one so it can run on the same power supply as the pedals.
This is a pretty straightforward mod and I actually did this a couple of years ago (just found the photos again :) so I can say it didn't break the SQ-1, which is still working just fine. Also the SQ-1 still works fine on USB power, this mod just gives you an additional option.
However follow these instructions at your own risk and only if you feel confident making electronic circuits. You might break your SQ-1 if you mess this up!
So you're gonna need
A 2.1mm barrel socket with plastic body
LM7805 +5V voltage regulator (0.5A rating is OK, higher is fine)
2 x 10uF/35V electrolytic capacitors
2 x 100nF ceramic capacitors
2 x 1N5817 schottky rectifier diode
Lets cut off a 9x9 hole piece of strip board and build the regulator circuit
The schematic is pretty simple. The 7805 regulator reduces its input voltage (at least ~7V) down to 5V. The capacitors stabilise the regulator. Diode D1 protects the circuit from incorrect polarity input and D2 prevents backflow of current when the SQ-1 is running from other power sources.
(Note: Click on the photos to see the full image if it is cut off)
Here is how I laid out the stripboard. The black and red wires are connected to the power socket.
No track cutting is needed
Take the SQ-1 apart and cut a hole in the end of the case the correct size for your power socket. Please note that the socket needs a plastic body if you are using a BOSS-style centre-negative guitar pedal supply. This is because the SQ-1 case is grounded and a metal socket wired for a centre-negative supply will short out when the case is put back together again. If you are using a centre-positive supply you should be OK.. I think!
Make sure the socket will fit when the case is back together, and that it will not touch any part of the SQ-1 PCB. See the final photo at the bottom of this post to see where I fitted the socket (and please note that the SQ-1 is upside down on the desk in the photo below, the hole is closer to the base than top)
Connect the 5V output wires to the regulator board as shown below. Do not try connect them to the SQ-1 yet! With the power socket wired to the regulator board and bolted to the case, plug in your 9V supply and use a multimeter check that you have a steady 5V from the output wires
Now the scary bit - we need to solder the 5V wires on to the SQ-1 PCB... make sure all power is off, USB is disconnected and batteries removed.
These are the solder points I used for the 5V
Then I secured the leads with tape
I attached the regulator board to the base of the case with sticky foam pads, making sure none of the stripboard was touching the case.
At this point check all connections look good and (depending on your beliefs) maybe say a little prayer or take a long slurp of beer and power up. Press the SQ-1 power button and check it comes on. If it doesn't, disconnect everything quickly and check it all again.
A few years ago my son had a Leapfrog "Alphabet Pal" toy, a kind of drag-along plastic caterpillar/centipede chimera with legs that function as push buttons. Depending on the mode, pressing a leg makes it announce letter sounds, phonic sounds or colours - all in a super jolly voice - or play various nursery-rhyme type tunes.
A fun thing to do with this was to try and make it reel off absurd or mildly insulting sentences based on the letter sounds ("O, I, C... U, R, A, P", "R, U, A, B?" oh the fun is endless..) Interestingly there is actually some censorship going on - if you enter F, U, C... it spouts out "ooh that tickles!" and refuses to go any further (really!)
I think our old one went to a charity shop years ago, but last week for no special reason I decided to try and find another one and see if could find a way to circuit bend it, and eBay did provide...
So, first thing was to take a look inside... I was immediately quite impressed with the build quality of it - everything is nicely bolted together with Philips screws - even every one of those feet is screwed on! It also feels very solid
Inside, everything is also nicely put together with no melted-plastic-welding, flimsy clips or blobs of glue, just more Philips screws.
So here is the brain PCB. That flexible cable connects all the switch pads for the legs and has 12 tracks, show that some kind of keyboard matrix is in use (since there are 20 switches to read via that connector). This is good news! I will come back to that later. For now I'll remove the plastic bar and tape the connector out of the way.
I already had a good idea of how I was going to tackle the MIDI conversion, so I started off by looking to see if there was a way I could control the pitch of the speech. When I lifted the PCB I found a through-hole resistor on the reverse (despite the fact the rest of the board is all surface mount components). Since there was no crystal oscillator visible, my thought was this resistor might be a timing component (perhaps in the factory they select a "best fit" resistor to make the voice pitch about right and solder it on as a last step)
Anyway I took a punt on this resistor being for the timing and I clipped the lead so I could experiment with a potentiometer. Sure enough, a 100k potentiometer in place of the resistor (which measured as 36k ohm) gave a good swing of pitch from shrill squeaking to bitcrusher-like digital croak. However at the faster end of the range it would cause a lock up until everything was powered off and on again. This was fixed by putting a 15k resistor in series with the 100k pot. I then made a hole in the back of the caterpillar and fitted the pot - one great thing about this toy is that its mostly hollow, so plenty of space for additional circuitry!
So, back to the keyboard matrix, and time for some probing with a bit of wire. There are 12 pads on the edge of the "brain" PCB that mate up with the flexible ribbon cable. I tried a quick wire connection between each combination of wires to see which letter the toy spoke, and quickly had a key matrix worked out
Pad 1 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "P", "O", "N", n/a
Pad 2 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "K", "L", "M", n/a
Pad 3 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "S", "R", "Q", n/a
Pad 4 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "H", "I", "J", n/a
Pad 5 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "V", "U", "T", n/a
Pad 6 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "E", "F", "G", n/a
Pad 7 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "Z", "Y", "X", "W"
Pad 8 vs Pads 9, 10, 11, 12.... "A", "B", "C", "D"
so there is a matrix configuration with pads 1-8 as columns and 9-12 as rows (or vice-versa). Sticking an oscilloscope probe on pad 9 shows a positive going pulses at a little under 200Hz
So about 200 times a second the processor in the toy is sending a pulse to each of the pads 9, 10, 11, 12 in turn and reading the voltage at pads 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
Each of the switches on the legs is making a connection between a row and a column, so where the "R" switch is pressed, pad 10 is connected to pad 3 via the switch and when the processor sends a voltage to pad 10 it will see that voltage appear at pad 3
Even though the switch contacts for the letters A,B,C and X,Y,Z are on the main PCB (and so don't need to be routed via the flexible cable) they are part of the same key matrix anyway and can be triggered from the same 12 pads. This will make our job easier!
To automatically trigger these switch inputs you might think we'd just put some kind of electronic switch or relay in place of the 26 buttons and control these from an Arduino etc... Well we could take this route but it would require a lot of electronics and wiring..
Much simpler is to hijack the existing matrix scanning... with just the 12 connections used on the ribbon cable we can simulate any button press from our own microcontroller - we just need to listen out for the "pulse" coming in on pads 9,10,11,12 and set the values on pins 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 accordingly.
For example if our "brain parasite" microcontroller wants the caterpillar brain to think "R" has been pressed it just sets pad 3 "high" whenever it sees pad 10 go high. It does needs to keep up with 200 pulses a second on each of the four input pads but even an 8-bit PIC can do that with ease.
You could use an Arduino for this, but a full size one won't fit inside the toy. A Teensy LC would do the job nicely but I am going to use my usual go-to MCU, the PIC16F1825 (on in this case it's bigger sister, the 20-pin PIC16F1829, since I need more I/O pins for all those key matrix connections)
Soldering one of these to an SOIC-20 breakout board, I have my brain parasite ready... (the header pins on the right are to connect the PIC programmer)
We are going to need to take MIDI in, so we will requires an opto isolator circuit (per MIDI standard) and a MIDI socket.
I decided to mount the opto on a separate bit of stripboard together with a 7805 voltage regulator so that I can run the whole thing from a 9V guitar pedal adaptor rather than batteries. My combined MIDI interface and power supply board is shown below
I fitted a power socket, MIDI socket and a 6.35mm jack into the caterpillar's rear end and still had space for the stripboard. The old battery leads can now be connected to the output of the 7805 reg (I put in a couple of silicon diodes in series to drop a bit of voltage as this toy usually runs at 4.5V off 3 x AA batteries).
The audio socket is simply connected to the speaker output (which makes the signal a lot hotter than I would like, but its a quick and dirty solution) and I used the break pole of the socket to cut the internal speaker when a jack is inserted.
The microcontroller board is now connected to the keyboard matrix pads using ribbon cables
The soldering on to the pads means that the flexible ribbon cable does not fit right back on, but by trimming the leading edge of the flexible ribbon back a bit and using some foam under the bracket to add extra pressure I was able to get the flexible ribbon back in place and working, so that the original switches all still function in parallel with the new microcontroller
Now everything can be reassembled. Make sure its all working before adding the base and legs again. I also removed the wheels and the rolling ball mechanism and attached some rubber feet so it will stay put on a desktop.
So obviously somewhere in that process I needed to write firmware and program the PIC. Since I want the original switches to still work in parallel with the MIDI control, I need to make sure that inactive outputs to the key matrix are not driven low by the PIC when the signal is off...
For example if we are sounding an "R", we set pad 3 high when we see pad 10 go high. However at other times we do not want to drive pad 3 low because this would prevent any other signal getting through from the switches. We don't want to have any effect at all on the state of a pad unless we are actively driving it high.
So in general, all our outputs need to switch between "high" and "no effect" - rather than high/low. We do this by setting the pins into "high impedence" mode (digital input mode). Therefore our drive method on one of our outputs (i.e. key matrix pins 1-8) is either
No output - pin is set to digital input mode
Output high - pin is set to digital output mode and driven to HIGH digital output value
On my PIC this means toggling the TRIS (port direction) registers while leaving the PORT (port data) register bit at 1 at all times. On Arduino you might use separate pinMode and digitalWrite calls to do the same thing - or go to the underlying port registers for your particular board.
For reference here is my PIC Code - It is written for Sourceboost C on PIC16F1829 but should be fairly easily portable to other 8 bit PIC 'C' compilers
#include <system.h>
#include <memory.h>
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 32000000
typedef unsigned char byte;
RC5-K3 RC0-K0
RC4-K4 RC1-K1
RC3-K5 RC2-K2
#define P_SCAN0 porta.2
#define P_SCAN1 portb.4
#define P_SCAN2 portb.6
#define P_SCAN3 portb.7
#define P_TRISA 0b11111111
#define P_TRISB 0b11111111
#define P_TRISC 0b11111111
#define RX_BUFFER_MASK 0x1F
volatile byte rx_buffer[32];
volatile byte rx_head = 0;
volatile byte rx_tail = 0;
// State flags used while receiving MIDI data
byte midi_status = 0; // current MIDI message status (running status)
byte midi_num_params = 0; // number of parameters needed by current MIDI message
byte midi_params[2]; // parameter values of current MIDI message
char midi_param = 0; // number of params currently received
void interrupt( void )
// serial rx ISR
// get the byte
byte b = rcreg;
// calculate next buffer head
byte next_rx_head = (rx_head + 1) & RX_BUFFER_MASK;
// if buffer is not full
if(next_rx_head != rx_tail)
// store the byte
rx_buffer[rx_head] = b;
rx_head = next_rx_head;
void init_usart()
pir1.1 = 1; //TXIF
pir1.5 = 0; //RCIF
pie1.1 = 0; //TXIE no interrupts
pie1.5 = 1; //RCIE enable
baudcon.4 = 0; // SCKP synchronous bit polarity
baudcon.3 = 1; // BRG16 enable 16 bit brg
baudcon.1 = 0; // WUE wake up enable off
baudcon.0 = 0; // ABDEN auto baud detect
txsta.6 = 0; // TX9 8 bit transmission
txsta.5 = 0; // TXEN transmit enable
txsta.4 = 0; // SYNC async mode
txsta.3 = 0; // SEDNB break character
txsta.2 = 0; // BRGH high baudrate
txsta.0 = 0; // TX9D bit 9
rcsta.7 = 1; // SPEN serial port enable
rcsta.6 = 0; // RX9 8 bit operation
rcsta.5 = 1; // SREN enable receiver
rcsta.4 = 1; // CREN continuous receive enable
spbrgh = 0; // brg high byte
spbrg = 63; // brg low byte (31250)
byte midi_in()
// loop until there is no more data or
// we receive a full message
// usart buffer overrun error?
rcsta.4 = 0;
rcsta.4 = 1;
// check for empty receive buffer
if(rx_head == rx_tail)
return 0;
// read the character out of buffer
byte ch = rx_buffer[rx_tail];
if((ch & 0xf0) == 0xf0)
else if(!!(ch & 0x80))
midi_param = 0;
midi_status = ch;
switch(ch & 0xF0)
case 0xA0: // Aftertouch 1 key touch
case 0xC0: // Patch change 1 instrument #
case 0xD0: // Channel Pressure 1 pressure
midi_num_params = 1;
case 0x80: // Note-off 2 key velocity
case 0x90: // Note-on 2 key veolcity
case 0xB0: // Continuous controller 2 controller # controller value
case 0xE0: // Pitch bend 2 lsb (7 bits) msb (7 bits)
midi_num_params = 2;
// gathering parameters
midi_params[midi_param++] = ch;
if(midi_param >= midi_num_params)
// we have a complete message.. is it one we care about?
midi_param = 0;
case 0x80: // note off
case 0x90: // note on
case 0xE0: // pitch bend
case 0xB0: // cc
case 0xD0: // aftertouch
return midi_status;
// no message ready yet
return 0;
void main()
int i;
// set to 32MHz clock (also requires specific CONFIG1 and CONFIG2 settings)
osccon = 0b11110000;
trisa = P_TRISA;
trisb = P_TRISB;
trisc = P_TRISC;
apfcon0.7 = 0; // RX/DT function is on RB5
ansela = 0;
anselb = 0;
anselc = 0;
// enable interrupts
intcon.7 = 1; //GIE
intcon.6 = 1; //PEIE
byte out_data0 = 0;
byte out_data1 = 0;
byte out_data2 = 0;
byte out_data3 = 0;
while(1) {
// check for MIDI note message
byte msg = midi_in();
if(msg == 0x90 || msg == 0x80)
out_data0 = 0;
out_data1 = 0;
out_data2 = 0;
out_data3 = 0;
if(msg == 0x90 && midi_params[1])
// note on message
case 36: /* A */ out_data0 = 1<<7; break; //A
case 37: /* B */ out_data1 = 1<<7; break; //B
case 38: /* C */ out_data2 = 1<<7; break; //C
case 39: /* D */ out_data3 = 1<<7; break; //D
case 40: /* E */ out_data0 = 1<<3; break; //E
case 41: /* F */ out_data1 = 1<<3; break; //F
case 42: /* G */ out_data2 = 1<<3; break; //G
case 43: /* H */ out_data0 = 1<<5; break; //H
case 44: /* I */ out_data1 = 1<<5; break; //I
case 45: /* J */ out_data2 = 1<<5; break; //J
case 46: /* K */ out_data0 = 1<<1; break; //K
case 47: /* L */ out_data1 = 1<<1; break; //L
case 48: /* M */ out_data2 = 1<<1; break; //M
case 49: /* N */ out_data2 = 1<<0; break; //N
case 50: /* O */ out_data1 = 1<<0; break; //O
case 51: /* P */ out_data0 = 1<<0; break; //P
case 52: /* Q */ out_data2 = 1<<2; break; //Q
case 53: /* R */ out_data1 = 1<<2; break; //R
case 54: /* S */ out_data0 = 1<<2; break; //S
case 55: /* T */ out_data2 = 1<<4; break; //T
case 56: /* U */ out_data1 = 1<<4; break; //U
case 57: /* V */ out_data0 = 1<<4; break; //V
case 58: /* W */ out_data3 = 1<<6; break; //W
case 59: /* X */ out_data2 = 1<<6; break; //X
case 60: /* Y */ out_data1 = 1<<6; break; //Y
case 61: /* Z */ out_data0 = 1<<6; break; //Z
// respond to key matrix scan by changing correct
// output pin from high impedence (input mode) to
// a HIGH signal (digital out mode, PORTC register
// is already all high bits)
if(P_SCAN0) {
trisc = ~out_data0;
else if(P_SCAN1) {
trisc = ~out_data1;
else if(P_SCAN2) {
trisc = ~out_data2;
else if(P_SCAN3) {
trisc = ~out_data3;
else {
trisc = 0xFF;
// END